Smart Strategies for Woodpecker Control

Chasing away woodpeckers can be an uphill task, especially considering that they are intelligent birds that quickly adapt to deterrents. While some may suggest owl statues, these only provide temporary relief, as the birds quickly grow accustomed to them. There are also repellents designed to make your roof or siding unattractive to woodpeckers. However, at Decorative Foam & Stone, we advise against these as they often cause more harm than good, damaging your roofing and siding materials in the process.

Professional Solutions

Realize that woodpeckers are smart birds that quickly adjust to new circumstances. If you find yourself grappling with the nuisance of woodpeckers that are damaging your property, it's time to seek professional help.

At Decorative Foam & Stone, we have lasting solutions to stop birds from making holes and offer expert bird hole repair services. We specialize in woodpecker damage repair and woodpecker proofing, ensuring that your property remains intact and woodpecker-free.